Our 2020-2024 State Health Improvement Plan is called Healthier Together Oregon.
We want to live in a state where we can all have long, healthy lives. The social issues that affect health are the places we live, work, learn and play. They are the main reasons people are healthy, or not. These include things like:
Setting Oregon on a path to address inequality head-on.
People of color, people with low-income, people who identify as LGBTQ+, people with disabilities, and people who live in rural areas of the state face considerable barriers due to inequities in the social issues that affect health.
This is because of systemic oppression, discrimination and bias. We will only see progress toward our vision with a broad, joint effort that lifts the voices of our most affected communities.

Our Vision
Oregon will be a place where health and wellbeing are achieved across the lifespan for people of all races, ethnicities, disabilities, genders, sexual orientations, socioeconomic status, nationalities and geographic locations.
A tool for people working to advance health equity in our state
Healthier Together Oregon is a tool for people working to advance health equity in our state. It names 62 strategies along with supporting activities that can be put into action to improve health.
As we begin this work, the Oregon Health Authority is looking for trusted community partners across the state. We are also looking for partners from across different sectors to help move this work forward.